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  • Historique

Endress+Hauser Netherlands turns 60

First foreign sales center marked the beginning of Endress+Hauser’s globalization

Date de publication: 17.09.2020

“While the first step is always difficult, pioneer work pays off,” says Managing Director Rob Hommersen with confidence. Mr Hommersen began his career at Endress+Hauser Netherlands in 1978 as a sales engineer and has headed up the sales center since 2006. “We assumed the role of trailblazer time and again during the development of our business, whether it was aligning sales to specific industries or expanding the service and solutions portfolio.”

Successful growth

Endress+Hauser Netherlands began as a sales office with four employees and rapidly captured a leading market position. Today a workforce of 169 serves the customer base, which includes many international companies. The key industries are water/wastewater, food, oil & gas and chemical. In 2011 the sales center moved into a striking new building in Naarden, 20 kilometers from Amsterdam. The modern building features an open architecture and a high-quality and extremely efficient design.

Dynamic business

The creation of the first foreign subsidiary 60 years ago marked the beginning of the internationalization, a development made clear by a series of other anniversaries being celebrated this year. Endress+Hauser has been active in the US for 50 years, in Canada and Spain for 30 years, Poland 25 years and Chile for 20 years. Although the Group is headquartered in Switzerland, Endress+Hauser first established a sales center there in 1960, seven years after the Group was founded in Germany.

Directeur général Rob Hommersen

"Si le premier pas est toujours difficile, le travail de pionnier est payant."

Rob Hommersen, directeur général
Endress+Hauser Pays-Bas


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