Endress+Hauser Verification Services
Verification know-how to help you improve availability, reduce risk and optimize your maintenance routines
Maintaining the availability of your plant, while operating safely and on budget, has never been more important.
Verification of an instrument checks that it is properly performing its function in the process. It supports process uptime, helping your plant run smoothly and safely 24/7.
Confirm the device remains in an optimum state.
Assess its functional performance.
Document the results.
Confirm the current working conditions of your device.
Verification helps you improve plant availability and reduce your OPEX costs.
Global leader in measurement instrumentation
As a leading manufacturer of measurement instruments, with decades of industry and application know-how, we bring proven competence to the table. Our services ensure that your instruments perform reliably and in spec.

Ensure the functional performance of your instrumentation
We offer advanced technologies and customizable service agreements that deliver peace-of-mind support and convenience.
Our certified service technicians can verify instruments inline without process interruption, giving you confidence in your measuring points and reducing maintenance costs.
Each verification test is performed by a certified technician, is traceable to international standards and properly documented, fulfilling regulatory, contractual, quality and safety requirements.
Want to learn more about our Verification services?
Fill out the contact form below to learn more about our Verification services or to speak to an expert.