Julia Schempp
Endress+Hauser CSR and Human Rights Officer
Endress+Hauser is convinced that integrity and ethical behavior are essential pillars of a sustainably successful company. We are therefore committed to the respect and protection of human rights as set out in the internationally recognized human rights principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This is expressed in our policy statement on the respect and protection of human rights and the environment.
To meet our commitments, we have established a whistleblower system for human rights and environmental concerns. Employees, business partners such as suppliers, and third parties can confidentially report potential violations related to human rights and environmental issues through an online form. Whistleblowers also have the option to submit their reports anonymously.
Reports of violations of the Endress+Hauser Code of Conduct within the Endress+Hauser Group must be reported via the internal whistleblower system. The internal whistleblower system is available to employees on the intranet.
An independent complaints team carefully processes all reports and initiates appropriate measures. Our whistleblower system provides protection for whistleblowers and individuals contributing to the investigation of a potential violation. The information is handled within a confidential and fair process.
Our procedural rules describe the principles for handling reports that relate to our own business area or that of a direct or indirect supplier.
In accordance with the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz or LkSG), Endress+Hauser submits an annual report to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). This report (German only) documents compliance with legal due diligence requirements in order to prevent or minimize the risks of human rights violations and damage to the environment.
Julia Schempp
Endress+Hauser CSR and Human Rights Officer